Developing Indigenous Capacity

We are resolved to making full use of Nigerian talent and additionally to boosting the Nigerian skill pool through training and education. As part of our capacity development initiative, we are committed to launching our own Drilling School that will permit us to increase our level of human capacity in a sustainable manner. Well engineering and operations specialists from Odfjell Drilling will run the school.

The institution will therefore benefit from Odfjell’s years of global expertise, and international accreditation, to train both VALIANT and non-VALIANT employees. The new institution is expected to impact employment potential for all its Nigerian students, offering them job opportunities both within and outside Nigeria.

Historically, despite the fact that offshore drilling has taken place for more than 30 years, Nigerians have largely remained at a junior level within the offshore drilling industry due to the dearth of training opportunities. At VALIANT, we hope to challenge this status quo and to actively create a new pool of employable and homegrown talent to feed the Nigerian offshore drilling sector.